Bridging the gap between higher education and labor market by fostering digital skills

Back2Basics is a Erasmus+ project aimed at addressing digital transformation in the HE system and bringing HE systems and labor markets closer together, working in the enhancement of digital skills in the HEI in order to train more digitally prepared teachers and graduates.

Training course for HE teachers

We are developing a training course for HE teachers that will capacitate them to better prepare and deliver classes and assignments, using digital tools, and thus upskill their pedagogical practice

Multimedia training package for HE students

Another result will be a multimedia training package for HE students that will help them make a better use of a set of digital tools in working environments and turn them more market-valuable

Good practice guide

Also, a guide for online communication and etiquette good practice will be developed


If the teachers are not digitally prepared, they are also not conveying important work-valuable digital skills to the students

The EC has been doing many efforts to encourage students’ mobility, diverse career paths and an approximation of the HE systems to the labor market. However, much work is still to be done in that context. The current pandemic made evident that many HE teachers, forced to adapt their daily work to online settings, lack ‘digital readiness’, which resulted in many frustrated attempts to adapt, work overload and stress. The pandemic revealed a lingering problem of HE systems: if the teachers are not digitally prepared, they are also not conveying important work-valuable digital skills to the students. HE students use ICT tools everyday, but not in a professional manner, and most students lack professional digital skills that would enhance their employability profile. This is particularly important taking into consideration that many companies are considering adopting a more digital work setting from now on. Additionally, many students lack basic notions of etiquette and online communication and politeness, which also contributes to diminishing their employability. 

The Partners

University of Aveiro
Associação Bioliving
University of Macedonia
Gab. Recolocación Industrial

Disclaimer: 2021-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000023543
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication and all its contents reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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