University of Aveiro

The University of Aveiro (UAVR) is a very dynamic and innovative university, considered one of the best universities of the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings for the world’s universities that are aged 50 years or under. Since 2019, UAVR is part of the ECIU University, with other 12 research intensive universities. The University has more than 15000 students across 16 Departments and 4 Polytechnic Schools. During 2021, 664 (inter)national research and technology transfer projects have been active in UAVR, of which 51 funded by ERASMUS+ and 57 by Horizon2020. The UAVR is the host institution of 10 ERC Grants and 1 ERA Chair, coordinates 2 FET Open and one TWINNING projects, among other relevant and strategic European projects.

DigiMedia is an interdisciplinary research unit focusing on innovation in the design of new interaction approaches for human-centered digital media applications, evaluated with very good by FCT. DigiMedia had 44 active projects in 2021(representing more than 4M€) with (inter)national public funding sources (FCT, Erasmus+, H2020), and industrial funding (Altice Foundation). Many project products and services are transferred into industry. In 2021, the team submitted 29 new project bids, 12 of them as coordinators. The Unit has also been active in hosting acknowledged (inter)national scientific events (e.g.: GAME‐ON®’2021, SLERD 2021, JAUTI2021). DigiMedia research results also include 157 publications in 2021, 87 of them SCOPUS indexed.


The Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture [ID+] is a multidisciplinary research structure anchored in three institutions: University of Aveiro (Department of Communication and Art) [UA /DeCA], University of Porto (School of Fine Arts) [FBAUP] and, since 2017, the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (School of Design) [IPCA / ESD]. ID+ was created at 2007 and started its funded operation in January 2009, after external review (the visit of the international panel occurred in February 2008) who assigned the rating of ‘Very Good’.

The team currently comprises 189 members, of which 71 are integrated PhDs. Besides the aforementioned host Universities and Polytechnic, member provenance includes ten further national higher education and research institutions. Member status also includes experienced professional, doctoral students and collaborators.
